Mengembalikan peranan Ulama Sebagai Pengawal Moral Masyarakat Aceh

Muhammad Suhaili Sufyan, 197610022008011009 (2013) Mengembalikan peranan Ulama Sebagai Pengawal Moral Masyarakat Aceh. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Jurusan Syariah. Hukum, Moralitas dan hak azasi Manusia Dalam Perspektif ISlam, 1 (1). STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa, Langsa, pp. 127-141. ISBN 2339-1898

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Ulama (Islamic Scholars) among the Acehnese are highly respected in terms of their knowledge attitude, exemplary virtue attitude Expressed in everyday their life. Historically Ulama of Aceh has spawned charismatic legitimacy that gives a central role to the sociologically, Recently, the role of Ulama has been strangthened with the passage Qanun No. 2 year 2009 on Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama (MPU). Interestingly, the Ulama was once considered a role model began qustionable in term of their legitimacy, kindness, whether in the social order or under the formal institutions of governance. This paper will try to explore the values of power of ulama. Their role in Aceh based on historical trajectory compare to comtemporary reality based on eport of media on Ulama then by using the views of al-Ghazali on the patron attitudes and behavior of Ulama. This study found that the passed Ulama are strength lies in their personality and role in the development of both oral and written as well as their asceticism in everyday life.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ulama Peranan, Pengembangan, Ilmu, Teladan, Suhaili
Subjects: Hukum Islam > Ulama
Divisions: Fak. Syariah > Hukum Tata Negara (Siyasah)
Depositing User: mrs Editor Pustaka
Date Deposited: 04 May 2023 06:58
Last Modified: 10 May 2023 03:16

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