Pathology of the Poverty Circle: A Study of Phenomenology and Live Experience of the “Inong Balee” (Widow)Community in Aceh, Indonesia

Safwan Kamal, safwan and Yasir Nasution, yasir and Arfan Ihsan, arfan and ABDUL HAMID, HAMID (2017) Pathology of the Poverty Circle: A Study of Phenomenology and Live Experience of the “Inong Balee” (Widow)Community in Aceh, Indonesia. India.


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Abstract: This study is aimed at discovering the circle of poverty among the Inong Balee‖ (widow) community in Aceh, Indonesia based on the phenomenological approach. This study discovered that the phenomenon of the major poverty circle among the Inong Balee‖ was mainly caused by their misunderstanding on the concept of tawakkul, that is, the idea that Almighty God will provide for everyone. The misunderstanding on the concept of tawakkul has resulted in their lives to surrender everything to Almighty God's provision and have done no serious and continuous efforts to avoid poverty. In addition, the minor circle trapping the ―Inong Balee‖ in poverty was due to their lacking capital, low educational access, weak motivation, inability to manage resources, low income, forced to sell private assets, low consumption, low savings, lacking access to government institutions, and lacking business capital assistance. These findings implied that in order to overcome the poverty problem among the Inong Balee‖ in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, apart from educating the poor Inong Balee‖ on the proper understanding of the concept of tawakkul, providing easy access to education, and finance institutions would strengthen their motivation to work harder and skills in managing their assets. These would, in turn, enhance their income, consumption and saving levels. Keywords: Poverty Circle; Poor Widow; Inong Balee‖; Phenomenological study; Aceh; Indonesia.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: Umum > Permasalahan Sosial
Divisions: Fak. Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam > Ekonomi Syariah
Depositing User: User Febi IainLangsa
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2019 03:17
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2019 08:19

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