Providing Feedback As Numerical Values On Learning Outcomes At Smp Negeri 1 Bendahara

Siti Nur Hajijah, 1042018015 (2022) Providing Feedback As Numerical Values On Learning Outcomes At Smp Negeri 1 Bendahara. Skripsi thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI LANGSA.

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This study aimed to find out how the feedback given by the teacher motivated students in learning English and to find out the students’ responses the feedback given by the English teacher to the students. This study used qualitative research methods, involved students of grades VIII and IX. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires open, interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis in qualitative research involved three steps. They are the data reduction, data display and the conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study showed that 80% of students were motivated by the feedback given by the teacher. However, students’ responded to the feedback given varied greatly. Students who get satisfactory grades respond with pride and add enthusiasm and interest to continue learning. However, students who get unsatisfactory grades respond to feedback given by ordinary teachers, but are still motivated by the feedback given. Based on these findings, it concluded that providing feedback as Numerical on English learning outcomes can motivate students of SMP Negeri 1 Bendahara in learning.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Additional Information: Supervisor I :Nina Afrida, M.Pd Supervisor II:Mauloeddin Afna, M.Pd
Uncontrolled Keywords: Value Feedback, learning outcomes
Subjects: Bahasa Inggris > Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Divisions: Fak. Tarbiyah & Ilmu Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: mrs Editor Pustaka
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2023 09:14
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2023 09:14

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